The Media Blitz Begins!

So I’ve started to post and publicize Book One, it can be found on pretty much every social media site available, and I’ve connected them all so that they all update at the same time.

If you’re on the main site, to your left you’ll find a list of snazzy little buttons that will take you wherever you’d like to go. But here’s the list anyway:

So have at them and share, share, share!

I’ll be posting content to each one specifically as it makes sense to do so, and I’ll be trying to be more involved with each of the sites so I don’t look like a random spammer! So choose your favorite and follow along!

Or choose them all. I don’t judge.

Either way, welcome to the the beginning of something grand!

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Also known as Keith Thomsen. I'm an author and teacher living in Las Vegas, Nevada. I've been writing since I was very small and hope to continue until I am very old. I live with my wife, who you can thank/blame for finally getting me published, and our dogs.

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